Breakthrough is the CIM’s voice. It goes to donors, patients, and friends of the CIM around the world. Breakthrough also goes to doctors, scientists and administrators at Johns Hopkins and at other academic medical centers. Those audiences aren’t always the same. We have a lot of interesting stuff going on here, and the trick is to convey what’s happening in a tone that will not cause a lay audience to glaze over, even if the story is about very basic science, or the activities of policy wonks, or the nature of academic medicine. At the same time, we aim to tell our stories in such a way that scientists, clinicians, and academicians won’t feel they’re being talked down to – not always an easy balance. But we think we manage to pull it off, and the key is that we’re excited about what’s happening here. We hope you will be excited about it, too!
Current Issue
No 17, Summer 2015
Ode to Joy
- Truly Patient-Centered
- Capturing the Moment
- The Real Risks of Sickle Cell Trait
Volume Archive
Special Issue: CIM at 10
- The Good Doctor
- Medicine for the Greater Good
- Precision Medicine
- Milestones
Battle for the Brain: Preventing Alzheimer’s
- Autoimmunity and Cancer
- Saving Money and Improving Care?
- “What Pills Do You Take?”
- Aliki in the ICU

There’s a Disconnect
- The Importance of Traction
- MERIT-ing Medical School
- Celebrating Change
- Taking Care of Mommy and Baby

Is There a Brain Injury?
- What’s Important to You?
- The Brain is Your Gut
- Helping Our Neighbors Get Healthier
- Helping the Aging Brain
- The Liquor Store Next Door
- Creating a Culture of Health

Aliki a 5: Wise Care
- Better Medical Care for the Elderly
- Breaking the Ice
- Responsible Ordering
- Overcoming Barriers
- Recharging the Cell’s Power Plants
- Bayview Scholars

Special Issue: Putting the Patient First
- Behavior: The Elephant in the Room
- Ask the Patient
- Building Healthy Communities
- Balancing Act
- Sparing Mom the Extra Trip in the Ambulance
- Celebrating Clinical Excellence

Thoughtful Little Changes
- Thoughtful Little Changes
- Golden Opportunity
- What is Precision Medicine?
- How to Brew Good Ideas
- When Putting the Patient First Means Thunking Years Ahead
- Reflections on Clinical Excellence

Aiming Higher
- A Day of Inspiration
- Raising the Bar
- “Teach a Man to Fish”
- The Dark Side of Statins
- Bringing in the Experts
- App Downloaded, Life Uplifted
- Thinking Big, Thinking Small

Brick by Brick: Building the Pyramid
- A Flagship for Innovation
- Something Special
- Who Needs This Test?
- “More Than Loud Noices in the Night”
- Parkinson’s: Could This Be The Cure?
- A Better Send-Off
- Miller-Coulson Scholars

A Tree With Many Leaves: A Multi-Faceted Approach to Brain Cancer
- A Tree With Many Leaves
- Cliff’s Notes: Aliki Style
- The “Oops” Factor: Saving Lives by Lowering the Risk of Medical Mistakes
- Knock, Touch, Tell
- The Doctor’s Doctor
- How to Get a Grant: A Free Program Helps Young Investigators Navigate the Maze

Putting the Patient First: Pyramid Power
- Idea Men
- Putting the Patient First: Pyramid Power
- The Aliki Initiative: Time to Care
- Research Cores: Un-Ivory Towers
- Miller-Coulson Academy: Master Clinicians
- The Miller Lectures

Ripple Effect: Bayview is Changing How Caring Clinicians are Trained, and Rewarded
- Ripple Effect: Bayview is Changing How Caring Clinicians are Trained and Rewarded
- Beating the Clock: When Time is Muscle
- C. the Difference! Proactive Approach Cuts Hospital-acquired Diarrhea Rates by 40 Percent
- “Good” Cholesterol, Infertility, and a Missing Gene

All Sides Pointing Toward the Patient
- All Sides Pointing Towards the Patient
- New Hope for Understanding a Tough Disease: A “Knock-In” Mouse
- What I Did This Summer: Learned About People
- Taking Care of His People
- When Wounds Don’t Heal
- Academy of Clinical Excellence: One Step Closer

Forging Stronger Ties: A Road Trip to Sparrow’s Point
- Forging Stronger Ties: A Road Trip to Sparrows Point
- Reversing the Domino Chain: Helping Heart Attack Patients Faster
- Wegener’s Best Weapons: Patients, Doctors and Scientists Team Up to Fight a Tough Disease
- How to Talk, How to Listen: Things Cynthia Rand Has Learned
- ICU: Walking Out the Door
- Dementia: Study Shows Much of it May Be Preventable
- Sometimes, Nice Guys Finish First
- Fixing the Lopsided Triangle: Rewarding Excellent Clinicians

Redefining Sunset: Turning Science on Aging into Action that Helps People
- Redefining Sunset: Turning Science on Aging into Action that helps People
- Walking the Walk: Antony Rosen’s Guide to Living the CIM Playbook
- Global Ties: Tackling the “Silver Tsunami” of Aging
- Pass the Mustard, and By the Way….
- Teaching Doctors to Care More
- Proteomics: Reading Life’s Ticker Tape
- Finding the “Balanced Life” Lane: Generosity in Action
- How We Got the Cell Sorter: A “Loaves and Fishes” Tail

The Aliki Initiative: Putting the “Care” Back into Health Care
- The Aliki Initiative: Putting the “Care” back into Health Care
- Move Over, Stethoscope: Handheld Ultrasound Brings Technology to the Bedside
- Genetic Powerhouse: It All Started With a Dream
- Keeping the E.R. Moving: Innovations Speed Up the Flow
- For a Rare, Difficult Disease, a One-of-a-Kind Clinic
- Antibiotics: Less is More, Smarter is Better